Art & Design
Subjec Leaders and Teachers: Ms Ailbhe Garvey and Ms Michelle Owen
The Department of Education and Science determines the first three years of the art curriculum. The examination is project based and covers most aspects of design and craft and a high level of both is expected of pupils of that age.
In St. Andrew's we have a good range of art facilities and each class has two doubles periods of art each week, which is sufficient to achieve the high standard, required.
Following on from this is Transition Year, where the curriculum is broad allowing for experimentation. The work undertaken is varied and usually takes the format of a project. Some students use this project as a starting point for the International Baccalaureate work. They will continue this work in the senior cycle.
St. Andrew's College offers the International Baccalaureate as well as the Leaving Certificate cycle. Some students take art in both curricula. These are students who are hoping to continue the study of art at third level. Most pupils take art at higher level and the uptake of art at this level among the pupils is very high.
Art Teacher's Name |
Contact |
Ms Garvey |
Ms Cahill |
Mr Walshe |