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St Andrew's College Dublin St Andrew's College Dublin

Sailing Dates 2024/25

Events & Dates  2023/24:

  • West Kirby Clinic – June 1st & 2nd (registration closed )
  • Elmo Trophy – 31st August - 1st September RSGYC reg open soon.
  • Inter School National Championships 5th & 6th October Sutton YC
  • SAC Alumni TR Championship 12th October  RIYC (flyer attached)
  • Schull/SAC Team Racing Clinic 19th & 20th October / 9th & 10th November (2 weekend clinics Schull & RSGYC)
  • Shanahan Cup – INSS - Wednesday 25 September and Wednesday 23rd October (Full Days)
  • Leinster TR Championship dates & venue TBC
  • National TR Championship dates & venue TBC
  • West Kirby TR Clinic April dates TBC
  • Wilson Cup TR Event May West Kirby dates TBC