Opening Year Service
"Mind one another - we all matter"
On Friday 15 September an Opening Year Service was held in the College attended by all students from the youngest, newest students in K1 to those embarking on their final year in Sixth Year. The school motto this year is Mind one another - we all matter. Mr Flattery (co-ordinator of Religion) welcomed everyone back for the new school year with a special welcome to all students and staff who are new to St Andrew's. We heard readings from Mrs Kirby, Jamie Forbes (2WS), Caroline Doyle (5GN) and Amelie Jacobs (P6).
The Sixth Year music class and the Junior School choir sang Shall we gather at the River and You are by my side. Music teachers Ms Sludds and Ms Armitage had worked hard with their students teaching them the songs which were beautifully performed. Helen Hudson ((6MG) played Can you feel the Love on her violin accompanied by Ms Sludds on the piano. Reverend Chris Kennedy reflected on the readings and told us all to look after and be kind to each other.
Recipe for a new school year
Take twelve full-grown months, see that these are free from old memories of bitterness, cleanse them completely from every clinging pain; pick off all specks of pettiness. Have them as fresh and clean as they they first came from the great storehouse of Time.
Cut these months into equal parts. Do not attempt to make up the whole batch at one time but prepare one day at a time.
Into each day put equal parts of faith, patience, courage, work, hope, kindness and rest. Put in about one teaspoonful of good spirits, a dash of fun, a sprinkling of play and a heaping cupful of good humour.
For a gallery of photographs of the Service please click here.